Tuesday, June 30, 2009

On the path again

We haven't been doing full walks on our path recently because it's been so hot. Yesterday morning we walked partway on the path. Surprisingly, there was a small group of teenagers sitting on the path, between Norma and Downs. I was a little uneasy approaching them, because you never know what teenagers might do. However, this is such a dusty little town, so religious, so well-educated. I thought to myself, I'll bet nothing will happen. As we approached the group I could see that it was 2 boys and 2 girls, all dressed a little bit punk, whatever punk is called these days. I expected to see cigarettes, but there were none. They were just sitting there. I felt a pang, to think of Baby A and Baby B doing something like that someday. As the boos and I went past, none of the teens acknowledged our existence, except that I heard one of the boys singing softly "Kumbaya my lord, kumbaya." I suspect they might have been just a little stoned. Seemed rather funny. I remember being that age.

Today we took an even more abbreviated walk because it hit 90 degrees before we even left the house. We were walking down Bataan, which is a couple blocks from our house, and up ahead I saw an odd bird. It looked like a Roadrunner, but I thought, no, a Roadrunner wouldn't be on the sidewalk, it must be a Great-tailed Grackle. But no, it was indeed a Roadrunner. As we got closer, it ran into someone's yard, then up on a fence, and then up on the roof! We got a really good look at it until it ran over the other side of the roof and scared a whole flock of mockingbirds. A Roadrunner is a really goofy looking bird.

Then on our way back, on the path, I saw a bird flying and it looked different from the usual group of doves and finches and sparrows. I have started bringing binoculars on our walks, so I pulled them out and looked at it. I believe it was an American Kestrel! But it seemed darker than the ones I'm familiar with. I wonder if there's a desert version?

So despite the awful heat, some interesting bird life out there. No stoned teenagers today, it must have been too hot even for them.

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