Saturday, March 5, 2011

Another busy Saturday

Another busy Saturday spent anywhere but Ridgecrest.

The liberal salon meeting this month was not on the first Friday night at someone's house in Ridgecrest or Inyokern, it was on the first Saturday afternoon (i.e., today) at someone's house in Weldon. Weldon is 55 miles west of us, in the bucolic Kern River Valley on Highway 178. We couldn't really go to the salon proper, since we'd have the twins with us (though NEARLY three years old, the twins aren't quite ready for long discussions of political issues), but we thought we'd drop by and say hi, in case no other Ridgecrest liberals felt up to making the drive.

It turned out that many people felt up to it -- the place was packed. So we wandered around the gorgeous property for an hour, walked down to the river, ate a few snacks, talked to a few people about health care and how evil Republicans are, and then took our leave before the twins either fell over a cliff or broke a precious art object (both of which appeared likely to happen at any moment).

We then continued west on 178, and then north on 155, because we were hoping to do a little sledding. Now, it was warm today, in the 70s in Ridgecrest. At the salon party we mentioned to a few people that we were going to look for some snow and everyone kind of shook their heads and said "hmm." As we drove up Highway 155 northwest of Wofford Heights, it was very warm in the car and we saw not a trace of snow on any of the mountains around us. Oh well, we thought, might as well drive all the way to Greenhorn Mountain County Park (where we went sledding last year) and then turn around.

But as we approached the park, we were pleasantly surprised.

Even though there was no snow anywhere else, there was a lot of snow on that mountain. So we got out our double sled and Rocket Boy pulled the boys around a bit. The only problem was that Baby A got upset and didn't want to go any further, so then RB just pulled Baby B. Baby A and I walked back to the car -- where I guess he felt safe -- and then spent our time throwing snowballs. Or rather, I threw snowballs. He claimed not to be able to make a snowball while wearing his big mittens. So I made snowball after snowball after snowball, and attempted, at his direction, to throw them at various trees and signs.

After a while Rocket Boy and Baby B returned.

We changed out of our wet things and piled back into the car, feeling pleased with ourselves. Then, since we were all the way up there already anyway, we went over to Kernville and played in the park for a while. And then we drove to Lake Isabella for a quick dinner before heading home.

Here's a restaurant that will be glad never to see us again. Honestly, is it possible that the Threes are going to be worse than the Twos??? Baby B spent the entire dinner standing up on his seat in our booth, smearing up the glass on the window, while Baby A spent the entire dinner UNDER the booth table, occasionally rolling out into the aisle for the waitress to trip on him. When we tried to make them sit in their seats, they screamed.

But the worst thing happened before our food came. Rocket Boy took Baby A out a side door to the smokers' patio just to keep him occupied for a little while. Baby B, who had refused to go with them, suddenly got out of his seat (ignoring me), and walked quickly across the restaurant to the front door. Before my astonished eyes he opened the front door and left the restaurant. I jumped out of my seat and ran after him, but when I got to the front door and looked out, he had vanished. Finally I found him -- he had gone to the patio via a different route. I was so mad at him I was nearly speechless, but eventually I found the words to tell him what a bad boy he'd been. I'm sure it made no impression at all.

All the long dark way home over Walker Pass, as Baby A snoozed, Baby B kept saying to me: "Mommy?"
Me: "Yes, honey?"
Baby B: "Mommy, I got a idea."
Me: "What's your idea, honey?"
Baby B: "Birthday!"

So you can see what was on his mind -- not his behavior, anyway. We're thinking maybe we can't go to any more restaurants for a while, maybe not until they're four. I'll let you know how that goes.

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