Wednesday, January 13, 2010


It rained here this morning! Rocket Boy and I woke up a little earlier than the boys, maybe 6:15 or so, and there was a funny noise, like wind but not exactly like wind. I said, "is that rain?" and then I opened the window over our bed just a little and it was rain! Heavy rain! RB had to get up and get ready for work, but I, sloth that I am, just lay in bed and listened to the rain. "Are you going to leave the window open?" he asked pointedly and I said "YES!" so he left me to it (he gets cold easily, and of course there's the gas bill, but it was only for a little while). So lovely to have a bit of weather after weeks and weeks of nothing.

By the time the babies and I got up and had breakfast, the sun was out and the rain was gone. But when we went for our walk, around 9:30 am, there were huge clouds in the sky and the wind was blowing wildly. I managed to get the weather shield hooked onto their stroller (only the second time we've used it and the other time I had RB around to figure it out), so they didn't complain about the wind. The sandy ground was soaking up all that water as fast as it possibly could, but there were still a few puddles visible. More rain is predicted next week! Maybe this means we'll have wildflowers in April...

The new thing I do while we walk is sing "Here we are together" with the words adapted to what we're doing. ("Oh here we are together, together, together, oh here we are together, all going on a stroller ride... where's Pie Bear and Whiskers, where's Whiskers and Pie Bear, oh they are still at home now and Daddy went to work...") This is very popular with the boo bears and if I even pause for a moment they say "mah! mah!" (which means "more!) To keep it interesting ("interesting" being a relative term here), I add lines like "We might see a lizard, we might see a rabbit, we might see a quail, we might see a doggy, we might see a bicycle, we might see a truck...." When we pass another person on the path I stop singing, triggering an immediate chorus of "mah! mah!" I can't decide whether it is more embarrassing to have another person listen to me singing that dumb song or have another person listen to the boo bears saying "mah! mah!" Anyway, today there was almost no one out (too much wind, I suppose), so I sang the song a lot, and as I was heading back home I had the wind blowing right at me, and I was trying to hurry, and I was singing, and I got completely out of breath. A lovely walk, a lovely day.

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