Wednesday, September 5, 2012

It is TOO still summer

This is a photo of my dashboard, taken around 4:30 pm on Labor Day, September 3rd. Take a look at that green rectangle (almost) in the middle. (Ignore the much too high mileage.) At the bottom you can see the outside temperature: 100 degrees.

And here's what we could see through the window, when my car showed this temperature:
CLOSED. Closed for the Season. That's the Ridgecrest swimming pool we're parked in front of. Closed for the season on Labor Day.

People, this is not Vermont! It's not Montana! It's not Minnesota! It is 100 degrees outside. Do NOT close the pool!

I admit it, there are signs that the seasons are changing. All summer long, my cherry tomato plant has produced little yellow flowers (and stunted little leaves), but no fruit. All summer long, I have watered and fertilized the darn thing, but nothing. Now, finally, in September, as the temperature drops down to 100, we have fruit. There are at least a dozen little tomatoes started on that plant, and one that's actually visible to the naked eye (on the far right). The pepper plant still doesn't have flowers OR fruit, but the leaves are pretty, so I go on watering it.

The night of the closed swimming pool, we had an amazing sunset, reminding me that I do like a few things about this place. Well, one, actually: the sky. Here's the view to the east (there's a rainbow in there somewhere, but it's hard to see):
And here's the view to the west:
We were on our way to Pony Espresso for a treat when I took these photos. As we walked, admiring the sky, I thought: "Oh, the sun is setting, that means it's going to be dark soon." And yes, it was, much sooner than it used to be.
Maybe summer is ending. Maybe.

But couldn't they at least keep the pool open until it gets to 95?

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