Friday, June 15, 2012

It's getting hotter

I think we hung our outdoor thermometer too close to the patio roof in this new house, because every day it says it's at least 100, even when the NOAA website insists it's only going to get to 97.
Tomorrow the NOAA website says it's going to be 104, and then 106 on Sunday. By next Friday they're predicting 109, so that means 110 is around the corner, and then it'll be 116 and we'll REMEMBER WHY WE DON'T WANT TO LIVE HERE.

Our air conditioner works very well, but oh how we miss having a swamp cooler. Just got our electric bill and OUCH $141.54. The month before, when we only used the AC a little, the bill was $51.99. I don't want to think about what it's going to be in July, August, September. With a swamp cooler running 24/7 your electric bill might go up $5 or $10. Sigh.

We're trying to think of something to do this weekend that would be cool, but so far not much luck. Last Saturday we drove to Keough Hot Springs, just south of Bishop, to go swimming.
 That was nice but it was a LONG drive (about 135 miles). We don't feel like driving a long distance this weekend. I'd drive to Bakersfield if I could think of anything cool to do there, because then we could stop at Murray Family Farms on the way back and get lots of fruit. But I can't think of anything cool to do in Bakersfield. And anyway, it's 100 miles. Sigh.

We had an unusual experience last Sunday: a Great Egret landed in a yard across the street from us and stayed there all afternoon (clearly something was wrong, maybe an injured wing). It was finally picked up by Fish & Game on Monday and taken to the zoo in Bakersfield, but we don't know whether it survived. Here it is, looking sad.

My growing things are enjoying the hot weather, at least when I remember to water them. Here's a very grimy Baby A standing next to my "terraced garden" in the front yard. I should take a new picture to show the tomato and pepper, which we've moved from the backyard to bookend these plants.
OK, here's the new picture (sorry the light is too strong, but look how the basil has grown). For some reason Baby A always has a weapon (an antenna in the top photo, a water pistol in the bottom one).

Boos are not too concerned about the heat yet. Of course they are very skinny and small. But I have noticed that they don't run outside to play so much anymore. Most of our morning activities take place in the house. We build block towers, set up train tracks.

They do a lot of imaginative play these days, although it sometimes strikes me as a little odd. Here they are, putting a train track to bed, because it's tired (you can just barely see a few bits of track sticking out from under the blankets. Ducky got to take a nap with the train track.
And now I am tired too, and must be off to bed.

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