Thursday, February 11, 2010

One year in Ridgecrest

Well it's here -- the one-year anniversary of our arrival in Ridgecrest. Actually, it's only the anniversary for the babies and me, because Rocket Boy didn't arrive until February 13th. He drove here from Colorado with Whiskers, while the babies and I flew to Las Vegas with my sisters and then rented a car and drove to Ridgecrest. What a terrible day that was, and what a terrible drive.

Today, thinking back on that, I thought I should do something to celebrate, or at least commemorate, the year gone by, but I honestly couldn't think of anything. I thought of having a Ridgecrest specialty for dinner, but what would that have been? Takeout from Carls Jr? When we first got here we ate at Kristy's restaurant a lot, but that's kind of off limits to us now because the babies won't behave.

When we first got here I was so depressed I almost couldn't function. RB found a couple of places in town that sell milkshakes and he brought them home for us almost every night. That's how I gained 9.5 lbs in 3 weeks. It's so easy to gain weight in Ridgecrest.

So what did we do today? In the morning the babies and I took a stroller walk to the recycling center, turned in 30 pop cans, and received a receipt for $1.50 which we took to Wal-Mart to spend. I had thought to buy valentine stickers, but they didn't have any good ones, so instead we bought a small ball for $2.00 and the babies fought over it all the way home. A very Ridgecrestian activity. In the afternoon, after their nap, we went to the library. Afterwards I desperately wanted to do something else, not go straight home, but I couldn't think of anything. It was a little too chilly to go to a park since I hadn't brought their coats. I didn't need to go to the grocery store. I'd already been to Wal-Mart. And I couldn't think of ANYTHING ELSE TO DO. Which, when you think about it, is as typical of Ridgecrest as it is possible to be.

Here we go, Year Two.

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