Sunday, July 26, 2009

Home again

We are home! Except that it doesn't feel like home, it feels like my worst nightmare. We got back to the house around 6:30 pm and my car said it was 103 degrees (the thermometer on our porch said 105). Now it is 11pm and it is 91.6 degrees according to the Ridgecrest weather website ( We turned up the swamp cooler and ran it for hours with no effect, and then in desperation I figured out how to turn on the air conditioner, so we ran that for a while with no effect, then we ran them both together for a while with no effect, and finally we turned off the air conditioner and just ran the swamp cooler again and then it started to feel cooler.

There were cockroaches in the house when we walked in, and the cats had obviously had a stressful weekend because there were a lot of clumps of cat hair in the babies' room and a place in our bedroom where one of the cats had clawed out some of the carpet and pieces of a wicker chest. Rocket Boy had left the cushion of the papasan chair on the patio to air out and when I went out to get it, it had a big spider on it. I found another spider walking in our bedroom and crushed it.

Rocket Boy went out and got us some takeout, and then like a champ he went out again later to get milk and bananas for breakfast, and after all that he was too tired to clean the kitchen. I was going to do it -- it's like a cockroach's paradise right now, lasagna leftovers everywhere -- but I'm too tired too. I'm typing this and then I'm crashing. We were on the road for 8.5 hours (380 miles of driving, 4 rest stops with the boys). And then the heat. I've got to get used to it all over again.

Tomorrow or the next day I'll write about my wonderful summer vacation, but now I've just got to go to bed. We are home.

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